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Carrot Tea

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A unique veggie tea made from fresh locally grown carrots! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: carrot, ginger, seasoning, syrup
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Carrot Top Soup

From CSA Farmers Market

<p>Young, tender carrot greens can be good. This recipe uses them, along with the carrots, in a soup that can be vegetarian, or vegan with a few substitutions.</p>
Source: adapted from Local Flavors by Deborah Madison
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: carrots, scallions, thyme, dill
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Carrot Top Soup Recipe

From United States Virgin Islands

<p>Carrot Top Soup Recipe</p> <p>4 lbs of small to medium carrots with tops and roots <br /> 2 tablespoons butter <br /> 3 tablespoons white rice <br /> 2 large leeks, white parts only <br /> 2 thyme or lemon thyme sprigs <br /> 2 tablespoons chopped dill, parsley, or celery leaves <br /> salt and freshly ground pepper <br /> 6 cups vegetable stock, chicken stock, or water <br /> Pull or pluck the lacy leaves of the carrot greens off their stems. You should have between 2-3 cups, loosely packed. Wash, then chop finely. Grate the carrots or, if you want a more refined-looking soup, finely chop them. Melt the butter in a soup pot. Add the carrot tops and carrots, rice, leeks, thyme, and dill. Cook for several minutes, turning everything a few times, then season with 1 1/2 teaspoons slat and add the stock. Bring to the boil and simmer until the rice is cooked, 16-18 minutes. Taste for salt, season with pepper, and serve.</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: a bunch of carrot lovers
Ingredient keywords: carrot
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Carrotcake Cupcakes

From The Wednesday Market

<p>Wonderful healthy carrotcake cupcakes</p>
Source: Breadbeckers class handout Christmas 2011
Servings: 48 cupcakes
Ingredient keywords: flour, baking, baking, salt, eggs, sugar, oil, cinnamon, carrots, cream, butter, vanilla, sugar
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Carrots and Nothing Else Cake

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Great spice, all carrots! A very moist, nothing-but-carrot cakeā€¦no raisins, coconut, or other disturbances.</p>
Source: Adapted from
Servings: 9x13" pan (you choose!)
Ingredient keywords: oil, apple, flax, carrot, sugar, molasses, flour, salt, baking, cinnamon
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Cashew Mylk

From Superior Seasons

<p>Raw Foods Recipe!<br /> This is my absolute <span class="caps">FAVOURITE</span> nut mylk &#8211; unlike almond mylk, there is no need to strain afterwards (if that bothers you), it&#8217;s so quick and easy, and it tastes AMAzing! There are many variations to make your own nut mylks out there, so experiment with using agave/honey to sweeten, adding Vanilla bean, or just leaving it plain. We use this recipe in everything from soups to faux coffee . . .and if you&#8217;ve just made it fresh and pour it into your steaming mug, it looks and tastes just like a latte, minus the cow! Mmmmmmm</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: My own variation of several other recipes! Breathe Live Breath Green Yoga and Spiritual Studio
Servings: Makes 5 cups approx.
Ingredient keywords: cashews, sea, dates
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Cassava Flour Pizza Crust - Gluten Free, Yeast Free

From Stones River Market

<p>This is another easy recipe to make your own pizza crust at home that tastes great with any topping. Cassava flour is known for its ability to add texture as a flour substitute and the crust is definitely not a thin one. Enjoy with fresh sliced pepperoni, grated cheese and the sauce of your choice or sauce, sauteed mushrooms, baby tomatoes and feta cheese (shown in the picture).</p>
Source: Bean Girl
Servings: 8 Slices
Ingredient keywords: cassava
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Cast Iron Scallop Potatoes

From South Cumberland Farmer's Market

<p>Late fall and winter is a wonderful time to use root veggies from our local suppliers.</p> <p>Our family loves to find new ways to enjoy new takes on classic dishes. One of our favorites is scallop potatoes. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Cline Family Recipe Book
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: potato, black, salt, olive, butter, onion, garlic, thyme, flour, cream, cheese, chives
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Cattle Tracks Organic Roast in a Slow-Cooker / Crock-Pot

From Mid Del Farmers' Market

<p>Take a tender, tasty, healthy grass-pastured, organic chuck or arm roast<br /> Bake it low, bake it slow<br /> <span class="caps">ENJOY</span>!</p>
Source: Kris Gosney, John's Farm
Servings: Serves 6
Ingredient keywords: beef roast, olive, olive, olive
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Cauliflower "Beef" Lettuce Wraps

From GreenFamilyFarm

<p>A vegan veggie-based taco night.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: serves as many as 10, very filling dish
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